Heat oven to 250°F.
Sprinkle the rub all over with the rub of choice.
Place a rack in the middle of a cookie sheet and place the roast on the rack. You want a rack that will hold the roast above the edges of the cookie sheet.
Place the probe end of the thermometer into the middle of the roast and set for 130°F.
Cooking time will be approximately 30 minutes per inch (of diameter). So, a 4 inch around roast, will take around 2 hours.
When the roast reaches 130°F, remove from the oven for a minute, and turn on the broiler to high.
Once ready, pop the roast in and broil for 5 minutes, flip over and broil for another 5 minutes.
Remove the roast from the oven, place on cutting board, cut off the trussing, and slice. No need to rest!